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Friday, April 11, 2008

Time for a Walk

Warning: the following post contains events and activities of strange nature. Taking part in activities of this nature can be extremely dangerous to your health. I don't highly recommend regular participation in this type of behavior on a regular basis. Not every day in a person's life should someone just get out of a vehicle and walk down the middle of a major freeway. Walking in the middle of traffic will ultimately result in death in most circumstances.

Therefore, as of this point, if you or someone you know chooses to walk down the middle of a major interstate, I AM BY NO MEANS RESPONSIBLE. Under no circumstances shall I take any responsibility for the behavior of people dumb enough to walk or run down any busy highway. I do not, under any circumstances, give permission to participate in this activity.

Please do take consideration in understanding that this may be a common practice of some people in the state of California. Only in California, does one see billboards along I-5 recommending a 55 mph speed because you might hit some poor mother with two kids running across the freeway. This I never believed actually happens until I saw it on TV one night.

With that said, here's a sample of just what I did today:Yes, this is me standing next to the Expedition of a good friend. Located on I-90 in the wonderful Snoqualmie Pass, we were waiting for an avalanche to clear from the highway. Since our travel to Yakima was interrupted temporarily, I chose to stretch my legs. Yes, I took a walk on the highway. I don't encourage walking like this in the middle of the road on a regular basis. My excuse? Traffic was stopped. We knew we had a wait. Semi long haulers had shut off their engines, and some were taking naps. I drive all morning long for my job. The last thing I need to do is sit for hours waiting for traffic to move. I decided to take a walk.The Little-Big Brother and Bigboy chose to get out of the truck as well. They just didn't choose to walk with me.I have to admit, I think I may have had them well worried when traffic started moving again. I did make it safely back to our little clan, considering I decide to get out of the lanes and onto the shoulder.

Just remember, I don't recommend walking down the middle of highways with fast moving traffic. If you do choose to walk down highways in stopped traffic, do so with intelligence.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Return the child to Sender, Half Asleep

Earlier today, I asked Bigboy to take something out for dinner. His protein source of choice: chicken and bacon. The Plan A: fry up the bacon as bacon bits, stuff them into the chicken with cheese, bread everything and bake it. By the time I needed to start dinner, neither chicken nor bacon was thawed enough to bother. Plan B: run to town for pizza. Bigfoot won't mind pizza in the least bit. Coming home from four days of mischief and mayhem with 1000 other boys generates a bottomless need for pizza.

As I'm checking out of the grocery store, what should I encounter, but a ringing phone. Bigfoot has come home. According to Mom Mouse and Dad Jordan, he was awake until Gig Harbor, and asleep by Olalla. As the rented SUV came into Port Orchard, several countless attempts were made to wake him up before he got home.

His exhaustion is out of my hands. Powerless I am to aid him in his need for sleep. He was only surrounded by 1000 other boys from around Washington State. Testosterone went flying all around the Wenatchee Convention Center for four straight days.

Coming to you, from my reliable source Bigfoot, I have been told the 1.5K run was held at 1am Saturday. Yes, several hundred boys ran laps around the convention center in the middle of the morning. Can you say testosterone? I was also told four boys were riding the elevator up and down for the sheer pleasure of riding an elevator. Generation of this pleasure resulted in two boys pushing each other into the elevator alarm. Once this alarm was set off, and appropriately turned off, four boys went running from said elevator, one of whom ended up in a girls bathroom out of extreme requirement to pee.

Sleep was temporarily obtained over the weekend. Certain activities provided perfect opportunities for nodding heads, dozing off, short lived snoozing, and power naps. Every one of these from breakfast to initiatory degree sessions were taken advantage of. Bigfoot testifies to sleeping for somewhere around half an hour over the four day weekend.

Pizza came home, went into the oven, and within one hour of eating, Bigfoot crawled into bed. Never to be seen again that night, the child, who fights off sleep on a regular basis, willingly shut his eyes. He may wake up tomorrow. then again, maybe not.