This is the child we periodically babysit, wearing Bigboy's outrigger hat. I love her hammed up expression.
For more of Wordless Wednesday, visit 5minutesformom or Wordless Wednesday
This is the ongoing documentation of the life of a single mother who is never too busy to take the time to support her kids. I'm a Boy Scout, DeMolay, NJROTC mom, mom to a wrestling Jobie, and a working-while-living-on-welfare mom. I'm too ADHD to not keep busy, and loving every minute of it.
I've learned...
When purchasing birthday cake and ice cream, two methods are readily available with short notice.
If I had the time, energy and skill, I wouldn't even buy a cake. I'd just make it myself. As it is, I haven't made a cake in years. The last time I attempted birthday cake for Beadgirl, I was trying to create a white and chocolate swirl. I think I over swirled the two mixes and ended up with a light colored chocolate with clumps of white and dark cake spots.
I've never had a cake rise evenly. I mix it. I pour it. I drop the daylights out of it to get the air bubbles out. I bake it. Inevitably, any cake I bake ends up huge in the center and short on the edges. How I am supposed to properly layer a cake for decorating if I can't get the thing to rise evenly?
Decorating, I'm not so bad at. Until you ask me for flowers. Flowers on a cake? Not yet. Let me get a few classes under my belt first. The last time I tried flowers, I'm not sure if I had roses or cabbages.
Due to the existence of my current job (which I am trying to replace with something less expensive to operate) I have no time left in my day for baking. Bigfoot and Beadgirl bake more than I do. They have no problem at all with whipping out cookies. I'm waiting for the breads to start coming. Maybe they'll even become interested in baking cakes.
If Bigfoot and Beadgirl get to the cake stage, I may not end up having to buy a cake again. I can just ask them to procure one from the mixer and oven for me. And family. And friends.
Bestowed upon me yesterday was the honor and privilege of buy the cake for Beadgirl's birthday. Between my mother-in-law and myself, the decision was made to find the smallest cake possible for eleven people. The goal of the birthday cake shopping was to walk away with no left overs at the end.
Which leaves me with two primary methods of buying cake and ice cream on short notice. By the way, I knew about the family birthday party. Delegation of cake buying had gone undecided until yesterday.
This is probably the most common method of cake purchasing. I can pick up a quarter-sheet cake and a separate container of ice cream. This means paying somewhere in the vicinity of $16 for the cake and $5 for the ice cream. For eleven people, this $21 expenditure leaves plenty left over.
Left over cake ends up getting taken home. Once home, it faces devourment by the dog, resulting in a sick-to-the-stomach mix of English-Springer and Chow. What chance the dog has of digesting birthday cake relies upon the speed of two weeds known as Bigfoot and Beadgirl. At least I know if the hyperactive weeds get to the leftovers prior to the dog, the dog will be getting plenty of leashed exercise with Bigfoot and Beadgirl. As much as I relish in the idea of the kids not coming in the house for several days, this does not mean I like the idea of them eating all that extra sugar.
All this means leftovers from birthdays end up going to waist. Butt, unfortunate as it may be for birthday leftovers, my butt is big enough. Extra birthday cake and ice cream don't need to add any more tread to the spare tire.
I learned there is a much better option when it comes to birthday cake. Ice cream cake, I found at Fred Meyer, comes in a sheet smaller than a regular quarter sheet. This option carries many benefits not normally seen in times of last-minute cake needs. With ice cream cake, I am able to serve two desserts for a single slightly lower price than two separate items. I carry fewer packages out of the store and into the party scene. Cake stays hidden in the freezer until the appropriate time. And most importantly, I have fewer, if any, left overs. With a smaller ice cream cake, I can cut smaller pieces. The thought of human weeds running from a sugar high at speeds faster than scotch broom can grow isn't exactly appealing. Smaller pieces are welcomed with pleasure.
All in all, Beadgirl had a wonderful family birthday party. Life is good when there is the presence of the grill, burgers, gifts, cards, and ice cream cake.
9. Worksheet material is provided. Everything considered a reproducible worksheet or black-line master is provided for the convenience of your family. All worksheets are bound in books titled by subject and grade. Workbooks are even color coded by subject, therefore allowing parents and children to pull the appropriate material from the homeschooling bookshelves for the correct subject. Children who choose to loose material books can simply locate them by color.
The classes are too big. I have 20+ kids in this room. I can't keep track of everything that goes on in here. I just don't have the time for your child's needs. He needs to enter special programs.I thank God you don't work in business, retail, or food service, especially management. You'd never survive. If you can't handle 20 kids, you'd be eaten alive in the adult world.
Johnny is a brilliant kid, but he's so out of control. I want you to make him behave in my classroom. I just can't handle him. What am I supposed to do? You need to take him in for an evaluation. I really think he needs medication.What did you go to college for? Pizza and beer? My boy was born with more testosterone than estrogen by God's will. I don't expect him to behave like a girl. Why should you? Don't even think about mentioning medication. I can haul your tush into the principal's office and have a nice legal/disciplinary chat about medication. I already told you his doctor is not recommending it. You're the one with the college eduction. Act like it.
I just don't make enough in this job. I can't live on this job alone.I have several things to say here. First off, I do realize teachers don't get paid well compared to everything else that requires a BS or BA for entry level work. I also realize teachers are pushed in MA programs to a point I feel the MA in Education has lost its core value. I'm not opposed to salary increases for teachers. I don't dig the whining over it.
I have all this stuff I'm told to cover. They want it covered this way. I have to teach the material using this method. I can't just veer from the program. We all have to do exactly the same thing. Even if what your child is doing makes no common sense what so ever, I can't make any exceptions to the rules. I have to stick to what I'm told.Do you do any thinking for yourself? Are you even teaching my child HOW to think? Or is it more like WHAT to think? No wonder America is so messed up in the head. We quit developing thought processes.
Entering into the store are three people: Bigfoot, Beadgirl and Mom. Upon our arrival and recognition by the manager, we are directed to the location of the shoe sizing tool. As we are loyal customers every three months, Bigfoot and Beadgirl have complete comprehension of how to size their own feet. Off come shoes and feet are placed onto the tool. Gawking is made by Mom as I stand in amazement that their feet have grown yet another shoe size.
New sizes are pronounced, and children are sent to the appropriate section of the store. Typically, I will go along with Beadgirl to her section of the Ladies department. This is a crucial time in my need to exercise my right of parental influence. Most shoes in her size reflect an age bracket at least five years older than hers. I prefer to have my nine-year-old daughter look as if she is nine, not fifteen. We find several pairs for trying on containing pink somewhere in the fabric of these shoes.
While she is lacing up shoes, I wander to the mens large feet section where Bigfoot is looking at several different pairs. All must be black, or contain as much black as possible. White is disgusting in the mind of the twelve-year-old. No where on any pair of his shoes shall white be allowed. Shoes must have a key color: black. His shoes are found, tried on.
Perfect fits are found for both children. New shoes are packed into boxes and carried to the register. Bar codes are scanned and shoes are bagged. The bags don't last long for us. Just long enough to take everything to the car. They'll done their new footwear before I turn the engine on. I pull out the checkbook, and proceed to write the check. The manager and I carry on over the size of my children's feet. She has gotten to know us quite well. We come in every three months. Not for a replacement of worn out shoes, but an upgrade of foot size.
Shoes are then taken to the car. Bigfoot and Beadgirl pile into our two-door compact car. Before I can fasten my seatbelt, two rear-seat seat belts have been buckled and new shoes are donned. I a fix the bluetooth to the ear, and call Bigboy. He needs to know ourweedschildren have grown once again.
Oh here we go a WASL-ing
Among the April spring
There's tests to be taken
And students nowhere to be seen.
So may state tests come to you,
And to you, a WASL too
May this test truly prove what our kids can really do
May the WASL prove what our kids can really do.
Why did I decide to use a public school support program?I know exactly why. Because I'm broke and can't afford our own curriculum. We've been living the past four years at half the income we were at in 2003. Homeschooling two kids in our
The sole purpose of the WASL is to test how much the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction can spend our tax payers' dollars saying the same thing we've been saying for the past twenty years.Big Brother does not care in the least if the common American can read, write, spell, or compute math. Big Brother prefers to veer so far away from the basics that kids will no longer understand anything beyond demands made by corporate employers. If Big Brother did care about education in America, we'd go back to the reading, writing and math methods we used over 100 years ago. I don''t think our government leaders and teachers union have figured out, or even care about, what has happened to education in America.
Take only one test at a time. Do not pass STOP. Do not continue into the next section. This is not a game of Monopoly; there will be no payment of $200 dollars for your progression through each round of the test. The State of Washington has no care for your time efficiency skills. There is no concern for how bored you may be. Please take another Ritalin and sit down.
Speak nothing of the WASL. Speaking of the WASL before, during, or after may result in sudden and instant arrest or even death.Should anyone even enter the room storing cases of test booklets, that person can face criminal charges. Beadgirl told me she was instructed not to discuss anything about the test before, during, or after. I realize, on this note, that the public schools were initially a concept brought about by Freemasonry to educate and elevate the honorable status of society. Since the inception of the Industrial Revolution, that dream has not been seen. Just because the Blue Lodge has
1. I do expect him to stay up all night all weekend.
2. I do expect him to sleep all the way home from being crazy enough to stay up all night all weekend long.
3. I fully expect him to run laps around the hotel should he be caught with an energy drink in hand. I have made it known to his adviser dad that running off unnecessary sugar and caffeine from energy drinks will not take long. Bigfoot is a fast runner.
4. I half expect him to come home a better person with higher moral values. I only half expect this simply due to the fact that I can never know what to expect from Bigfoot.
5. Most importantly, I expect him to have an excellent time being a twelve year old boy running a muck along side almost 1000 other teenage boys.
"Moreover when you fast, don't be like the hypocrites, with sad faces. For they disfigure their faces, that they may be seen by men to be fasting. Most certainly I tell you, they have received their reward." Matthew 6:16
#136 Knitty Goody Bag by CraftymomAs for the rest of these excellent prizes, I'm going for numbers: 7, 18, 29, 39, 58, 59, 61, 70, 80, 92 94, 119, 129, 140 and 143.
Yarn, give me yarn. And there shall remain life.
#128 Yoga for Christians Book and DVD set from Kathleen Marie
I've always believed in yoga, even if mydadDick Fife doesn't. I need to learn about this art from a Christian perspective.
#24 Blog Design by Sweet n' Simple Designs
#45 Custom Blog Design by Summer
#67 Blog Makeover by Shauna
#123 Blog Makeover by Lady in Waiting Blog Design
I could always use a face-lift on my page. Don't worry, I only need one of these, not all of them.
#100 Set of 3 books covering cooking and entertaining given by Jill Norwood.
Ah food. did you know, my kids eat food?
#104 Book Package given by Melissa Mashburn including Confessions of a Prayer Wimp and the lovely pink journal with "This is the Day the Lord Has Made."
I'm such a prayer whimp. I need this book.
#124 Rachael Ray's 2,4,6,8 Cookbook Given by Kristen at Loving Life
Did I mention my kids eat food? So do Masons, I posted about that before.
#8 Fifty Nights of Family Fun by Essential Family Living
What good is a family that doesn't have any fun?
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