I've learned...
Kids grow. Tall kids grow like weeds. At one point, I had nicknamed our kids Weed and Feed. Feed one, the other grows like a Weed. Which one was which changed on a regular basis. One would eat insanely, the other would grow insanely. Then, after a new shoe size in one, they'd switch. Both Bigfoot and Beadgirl are above their height growth chart. Bigfoot in particular, is way over his growth chart. So are his feet.
I just bought him size thirteen shoes earlier this week. I only bought his size twelve shoes in September. Actually, six months is a long time for him to wear one shoe size. I replaced shoes in December due to wear, not from growth. I got lucky this time around. I replace shoes resulting from growth every three months. Five months without foot growth is a first. We haven't seen this in almost four years.
I wonder how long this shoe size will last?
Friday, March 21, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Green Tissue Paper, Coming Back to Haunt Me
My green tissue paper issues almost rose from the dead last Friday. Don't get me wrong, the flags came out wonderful. I'm glad I decided to use fabric instead of tissue paper for them. Trying to starch them wasn't so friendly.
Starch has not been seen by my iron for over three years. Of course, I forgot how much of the stuff sticks to the heat plate of the iron. As I was starching these three-inch flags, they were sticking to the iron, removable only with utensils such as forks and table knives. In the end, the flags turned out wonderful.
Stuffing them into the flower boxes was the issue now at hand. Craft sticks hold in floral foam quite well, so long as nothing covers the foam. I can't put these decorations on display with foam showing. I didn't have enough moss for all six boxes, and there was no time left to shop. Tissue paper would work. I need green tissue paper for these boxes, I thought . I'll call Kevin and ask if he can pick some up. Nope, he wouldn't be available to stop in Silverdale for green tissue paper. Tony works in Silverdale. I'm sure he can stop for some. Yeah right. He got the message AFTER he left Silverdale. Great, time for plan “b,” use something else. I guess I can go out for the stuff I need after dinner. I'll just stay later and stuff the boxes after I get green tissue paper.
I began to assess my situation with these decorations after dinner. I realized then, I had white and orange tissue paper. I never needed green tissue paper in the first place.

Orange tissue paper turned out just fine. Unfortunately, NO ONE took any pictures at dinner, and my phone was dead. I had to bring this one home for photos. I really must learn to not forget my camera.
Starch has not been seen by my iron for over three years. Of course, I forgot how much of the stuff sticks to the heat plate of the iron. As I was starching these three-inch flags, they were sticking to the iron, removable only with utensils such as forks and table knives. In the end, the flags turned out wonderful.
Stuffing them into the flower boxes was the issue now at hand. Craft sticks hold in floral foam quite well, so long as nothing covers the foam. I can't put these decorations on display with foam showing. I didn't have enough moss for all six boxes, and there was no time left to shop. Tissue paper would work. I need green tissue paper for these boxes, I thought . I'll call Kevin and ask if he can pick some up. Nope, he wouldn't be available to stop in Silverdale for green tissue paper. Tony works in Silverdale. I'm sure he can stop for some. Yeah right. He got the message AFTER he left Silverdale. Great, time for plan “b,” use something else. I guess I can go out for the stuff I need after dinner. I'll just stay later and stuff the boxes after I get green tissue paper.
I began to assess my situation with these decorations after dinner. I realized then, I had white and orange tissue paper. I never needed green tissue paper in the first place.

Orange tissue paper turned out just fine. Unfortunately, NO ONE took any pictures at dinner, and my phone was dead. I had to bring this one home for photos. I really must learn to not forget my camera.
green tissue paper,
orange tissue paper,
panicky me
Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
Happy St. Patrick's Day to all. May the luck of the Irish be with you today and always. Enjoy your day in which we celebrate the patron saint of Ireland, Saint Patrick. I found some interesting websites on Saint Patrick's Day. Just a few of them include:
The History Channel Online. They have a page dedicated to St. Patrick's Day.
Wilstar.com has a section on the holiday.
Teachers.net has some lesson plans here.
We won't be dining on corned beef and cabbage tonight. I'm not entirely into cultural celebrations during the week. This is especially true when Dancing With the Stars is opening season six tonight. There is no time tonight for Irish food. There will be time, however, for my tush to plant itself on the sofa and drool in front of the television.
Instead, we celebrated Saturday night, we dined on Irish stew and soda bread. I loved this stew, made by my friends, Kevin and Tony. Tony stayed up late Friday night roasting lamb all night long for this stew. Friends were many and fun Saturday night. For the past two years, we've served corned beef and cabbage at this particular dinner. Irish stew this year was a delightful change.
Enjoy your holiday. If you choose to drink; do so RESPONSIBLY! Don't forget, HAVE FUN!
The History Channel Online. They have a page dedicated to St. Patrick's Day.
Wilstar.com has a section on the holiday.
Teachers.net has some lesson plans here.
We won't be dining on corned beef and cabbage tonight. I'm not entirely into cultural celebrations during the week. This is especially true when Dancing With the Stars is opening season six tonight. There is no time tonight for Irish food. There will be time, however, for my tush to plant itself on the sofa and drool in front of the television.
Instead, we celebrated Saturday night, we dined on Irish stew and soda bread. I loved this stew, made by my friends, Kevin and Tony. Tony stayed up late Friday night roasting lamb all night long for this stew. Friends were many and fun Saturday night. For the past two years, we've served corned beef and cabbage at this particular dinner. Irish stew this year was a delightful change.
Enjoy your holiday. If you choose to drink; do so RESPONSIBLY! Don't forget, HAVE FUN!
Saint Patrick's Day