This is the child we periodically babysit, wearing Bigboy's outrigger hat. I love her hammed up expression.
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This is the ongoing documentation of the life of a single mother who is never too busy to take the time to support her kids. I'm a Boy Scout, DeMolay, NJROTC mom, mom to a wrestling Jobie, and a working-while-living-on-welfare mom. I'm too ADHD to not keep busy, and loving every minute of it.
(c)2009 What me, BUSY? Never!!!. Blogger Templates created by Deluxe Templates
7 Thoughts for the Day:
So cute! My youngest likes hats, too. In fact, I think she collects them. ;)
It seems that she is saying, "Shut up!" ala Mia of The Princess Diaries 1. Gotta love that expression on her face. :-)
I love the hat! And the attitude.
Toooooo cute:-)
Looks like a little rock star! :)
Looks like she's full of personality!!!
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