Today, June 21, 2009, after eighteen months and fourteen days of using only ONE cell phone, I have laid to rest my very sleek, very sexy, very long lived Fire MOTO KRZR. Oficially, as of two in the afternoon today, the Fire KRZR has been de-activated from my Verizon account. The coming of this phone was celebrated, as phone number eleven you can read about it here.
It has dealt with my blondeness. Even while having a bluetooth turned off, it continued to take calls. Funny stories such as this one came from this episode.
This phone lived a life full of activity. Although it never saw a ringtone, mp3 or artwork download, its usage made up for everything it never had. Since its removal from the box, the camera became a lifeline to candid shots of teachers, kids, dogs, Master Masons, Shriners, and other object needing photography when the real camera was not available.
It spent six months of intense use while working with the newspaper, taking in over 50 text messages a day, running the Navigator GPS program, and talking through the bluetooth all at once. The intensity of this activity placed this phone on the car charger for than its fair share for the sake of operating in multiple tasks.
Loyal it was during my job as the Dell chick to Best Buy, a job I love and wish I could have back (thanks to the marketing company that claims to not have any work). It gave continued loyalty during my time with Mitchell Distribution (I will not miss that one) BCM Distribution. It has taken calls from Bigfoot, Beadgirl, that Weird woman, Little-Big Brother, and Bigboy (who no longer calls, but now texts on a regular basis).
It took me only eighteen months and fourteen days to completely kill the battery on my KRZR. I have a personal inability to handle a phone that can't keep a charge. In place of it, is That Weird Woman's not so sleek, far from sexy, yet ruggedized, durable, and functional Motorola V325. The Borrowed is functional. It is capable of holding a charge. And, for the next six months while my contract runs out, IT WORKS.