I have nothing against the concept of the public library. The ability to check out and read books on just about anythign I can imagine is wonderful. The selection available, yes even here in Kitsap County, is really quite substantial. The library many times saved us during our homeschooing years. I loved brining the kids to the library for time away from home. They did quite a lot of research in the library.
On the other hand, there are some things the library provides I feel soemtimes I am much better off without. Some of the services provided end up feeling quite cheap. Of course, I would be typing this into blogger on Internet Explorer ( FireFox rules!) on the computer with the sticky keys. And when some oen logs onto the internet in here, everythign slows down, and many times freezes. On several occassions I have ended up loosing almost 10 minutes of time out of my one hour time limit.
My solution will be a little slow right now. I'm hoping all of my 1099's come in the mail this week. The soone rI get them, the sooner they get delivered to the accountant. The sooner I can deliver them to the accountant, the sooner my taxes get filed. The sooner the taxes get filed, the sooner I get my refund. The first thing I do with my refund, buy a new laptop. YEAH!