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Saturday, February 9, 2008

The Pie is Sugar-free!

Every month, the provision of deserts for Bigboy's masonic lodge is willingly volunteered by me. According to several friends desert hogs, my skills are repeatedly highly requested and store bought just won't do.

I decided this month I needed to expand my desert baking skills beyond cobbler. During my visit to allrecipes, I found a delicious recipe for chocolate chip coffee cake. Coffee cake- yum. Chocolate- YUM. The presence of Sugar- TORTURE!!!

I also decided I would take a shot at making lemon bars. I've never made lemon bars before, and I'm not even sure if what came out of the oven looked like what it was supposed to. How bad can lemon bars be? Flour: OK. Lemon rind: OK. Lemon juice: OK. Eggs: OK. Powdered sugar: HELP ME! Table sugar: NOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Forty days of no licking the bowl, spatula, or spoon.
Forty days of no quality checking my product before it gets served.
Forty days without snitching chocolate chips.

And what does my dear husband say?


What do my aggravating companions friends say?

Would you like some sugar in your coffee?

What am I doing at this point?


Last night, I decided that my two deserts weren't enough. Since I was out at Safeway getting rolls for the lodge's Lobster Bisque and salad dinner, I would also pick up a peach pie.

I went all through the night going without any desert. Of course, my friends aggravating companions rubbing in my Lent season decision until 11:00 pm. Chocolate chip coffee cake went home with the temple custodian. Lemon bars and peach pie came home with us. As I was putting everything away, the lifesaver of the lifesaver of the night was found. The peach pie was SUGAR FREE!

There is now a very empty pie tin and two dirty plates.

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