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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Writer's Block , Now?

I don't really want to say I'm in a non-blogging mood. I don't really like the idea of saying that. The state of being in a non-blogging mood is for bloggers who do not consider themselves writers; just people who blog to vent into cyberspace and hope someone cares enough to read it.

However, I will tell you I'm in a two-day stretch of writer's block. I prefer experiencing writer's block on Wednesday. Wednesdays are "Wordless Wednesdays" on the blog. This is my time to ground my writing skills, reflect in the silence of a photo, and remove myself from the chaotic verbiage of society. Why couldn't I come down with writer's block tomorrow?

Since I can't really think of anything to write about, I will make a prayer request over the blog. I am applying for a part-time job with Alpine Access. I really really REALLY REALLY need this job. This is far more consistent pay than I was receiving working with ASI. I didn't realize working in their human resources department was a commission based system. I don't really agree with that type of pay for a position expected to interview people. I'm now desperately in need of the extra cash flow into the family. I have bills to pay, a roof to replace, a furnace to replace, walls to paint, a husband to head-straighten, kids to school, feed and clothe, masons to support feed, cub scouts to lead, Sunday school to teach, clothes to sew, quilts to make, yarn to knit...

I have an interview with Alpine Access tomorrow. Please pray for me that it be God's will that I take this job. His will comes first, and hopefully, it matches mine.

1 Thoughts for the Day:

Anonymous said...

I'll be praying! Let us know how it goes!

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