The first time I gave blood, I walked into the blood drive being conducted at our high school. Well, I didn't just walk in, I was in charge of the student end of organizing it. I had all the sign-up schedules, let-me-out-class slips, permission slips, ads, and all the other yada yada stuff. Since I had access to all the stuff, and hadn't asked my
Actually, I never bothered to ask my parents for a signature becasue
During the interrogation session, I even told them I have a heart murmur. Did that matter? Not that year! I proceeded to give my pint of live giving blood. Giving blood makes you hungry. Lunchtime!
Being the wonderful students we were in KEY Club that year, we proceeded to hand our check-in seats to other kids, and headed off for the all forbidden off-campus lunch. Probably fifteen minutes later, we walked back into school (lunches in hand) past all offices of anyone and everyone who could exert disciplinary action over us. Strode back to our blood drive table and dished out several orders we'd taken for other kids; in front of the one last person who held any possible disciplinary power over us.
A year later, I went to give blood, at the same annual blood drive. I got rejected for, believe it or not, having a heart murmur. This time, I had permission from
If you choose to give blood before Valentine's Day, be sure to join MaNiC MoMMy's blood giving contest.
2 Thoughts for the Day:
Terri! Hi! Glad you could visit my blog!
Wordless wednesday is probably my favorite meme! Take a picture... any picture and post it. Then link to a site or group that shares ww.
The one I link too is 5minutesfor mom. Also a bunch of us from the well trained mind board post every Wednesday. It has been so much fun!
The picture on my blog for this last Wed, was my Rylee about 5 years ago! She was so proud of her find... that and it looked purple! lol
Maybe you can join us next week??
Have a great weekend... oh and if you think about it. My firt post on The Heart of the matter posts tomorrow. Leave a coment if you stop by...
This sounds like fun. Dh already gave me one for Wordless Wednesday. I was planning on posting it today, but I'll wait.
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Sharing our thoughts is fun. Let me know what you think. Have yourself a GREAT Day!