I was supposed to be at the Elks Lodge at 4:30 to help with tickets. I made it in at the very early 4:45 and made a record breaking change of clothing. I've learned there's no difference between a genuine adrenaline rush and alcohol mixed with sugar. I was wired without wine or sugar. That rush took over two hours to wear off.
Those two hours were the best two hours for photos, dying phone batteries, and
Fortunately, by the time Installation began, I was somewhat calm. At least, I was clam enough to focus for the moment on what was said. Not that I could remember any of the Officer charges at this point. I wish the phone batteries hadn't died. Each of the presidents of the former Kitsap County and Viking Shrine Clubs were presented with the charters of their respective former clubs. I think I may have started to get teary.
Most touching of the night was none other than the remarks made by the Potentate of the Nile Shrine. His mission is unity and longevity. If we preserve our hearts and work in the image of God's will at the Temple level, we will have a philanthropic hospital system well sustained into the future. Working together as Masonic bodies, recognizing the qualities each has, and moving forward with God's plan will give our children, as a masonic community, a future for to carry on the missions we operate today. All of the parties, picnics, dinners, happy hours mean nothing if we don't put God's mission for the future of our hospitals first.
Now that makes me cry.
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