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Monday, January 14, 2008

Back to Life

Well, now that we have finished a funeral, and a Grand Master's Reception all in the time span of twenty four hours, it's now time to get back to life. That means back to coffee drinking, Sunday Schooling, homeschooling, Lego building, bead working, phone calling, tuxedo preparing, dress washing, karate attending, Kitsap Peninsula Shrine Club dining, homeschooling, phone calling, Lego building, Scout meeting running, homeschooling, phone calling, Lego building, Masonic dinner attending, homeschooling, phone calling, Lego building, , homeschooling, phone calling, Lego building, WACHIP eventing, Splash and Jamming...

Did I mention coffee drinking homeschooling, phone calling, and Lego building? Well, that's this week.

As I was planning out my to-do busy list for the week,I noticed:


How did I do that?

2 Thoughts for the Day:

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Here's to a free Friday night! Schedule something in fast, and write this in the slot:

Make NO plans!

Terri H said...


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Sharing our thoughts is fun. Let me know what you think. Have yourself a GREAT Day!