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Friday, April 1, 2011

Things I want to Say

I want to talk about lots of things. I want to vent about my unemployment. I want to vent about being frustrated with government. I want Obama to face America and answer the questions. I want to know the real answers as to why gas prices are so high. I want to know why my computer is slow. I want to know why I have to chat with a guy in India when I ask for help from HP. I want to know what I do wrong in interviews to the point I can't land a job. I want to pay my rent. I want have a job. I want to know why people can just hurt other people. I want to know why Beadgirl is in love with NCIS. I want to know why I haven't finished a post in over a year. I want to get back into my blog. I've got ideas in my head, but nothing seems worthy of messing with. Is that my lack of self confidence? I want to know why my mom thinks I'm a waste of time. I want to know why the only hits to this page on the past year have been over searching for a former contract employer. I want to know why someone looked at my page from Boise, ID.

You have no idea how hard it is to stay busy when there is no job. You have no idea how hard it is to keep confident when there are interviews, but plenty of rejections. Its even harder when there feels like no encouragement around except myself.

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